The school district is host to a number of events that are open to the community. Some of those events are run by the district, such as sporting events, Saturday Night Live events, academic banquets, out of season sports practices, drama presentations, and family fun nights just to name a few. Outside agency-sponsored events have included the annual Earth Day activities, Head Start Pow-Wows, the Rising Star Art and Fashion Show, New Years Eve Lock-ins, spay/neuter/vet clinics through Leech Lake Legacy, Walking Shield Public Health clinics, IHS Dental clinics, various basketball program practices, precinct caucuses…the list is pretty extensive. As of right now, Cass Lake-Bena Schools are one of the few public places that does not charge others to use our facilities for non-profit activities.
So, how does a community group/organization get access to our buildings or other facilities? There is a building use form that has been updated and placed in a tab on our website labeled Activities and Facilities. You may fill out the form on-line, or if you prefer a printed form, there is one you can print and complete manually. We also have these same forms located in the office of each building.
Requesting groups or individuals are asked to specify the date(s) and time(s) needed. Also, if there is special equipment you’d like access to, please list that on the line that states “Equipment/Special Conditions”. Not all equipment is available for use -- things that require a special license, special training or that could create a safety hazard -- are generally not available for public use. Requesting groups or individuals are responsible for the safety and supervision of individuals attending the event.
Requesting groups or individuals should be prepared to complete set up/take down tasks including general clean up after events. This would include placing garbage in garbage cans, and cleaning up any spills that happened during the event. For larger events, at least one district staff member must be present; this is usually a custodian, but may not always be. Their role is to ensure the safety of guests, to unlock and lock the building, to assist and provide access to things like garbage bags, etc. If these events occur after hours (weekends, holidays or in the summer, evenings) this is considered overtime for our district staff, and while they get paid for it, they are also giving up time with their families to assist with these events. The more lead time that is given, the more likely it will be that we will be able to find someone to assist.
Once the online facilities request form is filled out, it is routed to Activities & Student Affairs Director Caleb Travis. Mr. Travis will review the calendar to ensure that the space requested is available/that there are no conflicts. Once that has been determined, Mr. Travis will sign off on the form and send it to the building principal, who will review and sign, and send it to the superintendent. If needed, we will post for extra hours for staff. If at any time during the process we are unable to fulfill a request, or if we have questions, you will be called, so it is critical to list a working phone number and/or email address. If you completed a paper version of the form, simply drop it off at Cass Lake-Bena High School, to the attention of Caleb Travis.
District buildings have long been a hub for community activities and the district is committed to continuing that practice. The facilities use form is not new, nor are the expectations for safe events conducted with respect for all involved.