
Boozhoo, CLB Families

The high school will be hosting the section individual wrestling tournament on February 21, 2025 (a Friday). There will be 11 teams from around the area. Weigh-ins begin at 8:00 a.m., which means teams will start arriving as early as 6:00 a.m. Given the earlier than anticipated start, and the number of teams and spectators anticipated, we know that the ensuing noise and presence of strangers in the building would not provide the best learning day for our high school students. Since classes are spread out throughout the building, there's no way to limit that interaction.

To ensure our students have the best possible educational experience, and that our guests that day also have a good experience, school will be cancelled for all students Friday, February 21. We will replace that instructional day with the built-in make-up day scheduled for March 21. This will also allow staff who want to work the event the opportunity to do so, and for our activities groups to set up food stands, etc. for fundraising.

This same notice will be mailed out to families, and/or sent home with students, and reminders will be posted as we get closer to the date. If you have any questions, please contact your student(s)' school building or the district office.